Tips for Hassle-free Holiday Travel

It's that time of year again when travelers start planning for holiday travel—if they haven't already started.

Book flights early to save money

This year's summer travel—domestic and abroad—was chaotic, with numerous delays and cancellations. Travelers are hoping for better luck around the holidays despite soaring airfare costs.

Explore cheaper travel options like trains and buses

Air travel for the holidays can be costly, especially if buyers purchased flights after September. That's when travelers can explore other options. In metropolitan areas, trains and buses are more feasible, while a state ferry may be an option for less populated areas.

Don't travel with perishables

Travelers, in general, are allowed to bring canned goods on their flights, but TSA suggests storing canned items in checked luggage. Most canned items contain more liquid than what's allowed (3.4 ounces or less for each item), which makes them difficult to read on x-ray machines, and as a result, may require additional screening.

Mail presents in advance

Shipping gifts to their destination ahead of time can save travelers space in their suitcases and trouble at airport security lines. The earlier the gifts are shipped, the better.

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