Quality of Life Signs To Check for Your Aging Pet

Pet ownership is widespread in the U.S., as the American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that about 38% of households have a dog and around 1 in 4 households have a cat. These beloved pets are important members of the families they belong to, providing companionship, entertainment, exercise, love, and comfort.

Unfortunately, pets don't always show obvious signs when they are in pain. However, subtle signs like limping or walking differently, acting withdrawn, and being less playful can all point to possible pain.

Is there obvious pain?

Changes occur as animals age. A once fun and loving pet can become aggressive and sometimes unpredictable. These changes in a pet's behavior—especially as they age—can indicate an underlying cause such as pain, age-related intolerance, or cognitive dysfunction.

Is the pet unsafe to themselves or others?

It is not uncommon for a pet to miss a few meals or not eat as much as usual; however, if a pet hasn't eaten in a day or two, this should be a red flag. Pet parents can consider keeping a food journal to monitor their pets' eating and drinking routine.

Do they have a healthy appetite?

Incontinence and urinary leakage are fairly common in senior dogs. Being unable to control these bodily functions due to disease or immobility and being unable to get away from their eliminations can be highly unpleasant to most pets.

How easy it is to go to the bathroom

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