If you need money but can't get access to it quickly enough, you could find your financial situation quickly getting out of hand. This sentiment is especially true if you don't have any emergency funds saved up and live paycheck to paycheck. Something as innocuous as an unexpected medical bill could put a hole in your budget and spiral your finances out of control.
What is a Money Borrowing App?
A money borrowing app is a type of service that lets you borrow a small amount of money from your next paycheck before you receive it. These apps can be beneficial if you need cash for an emergency or can't make necessary payments like groceries due to money constraints.
The 7 Best Money Borrowing Apps
Between short-term money borrowing apps that are entirely free and earn money solely on tips to more sophisticated apps with a more robust fee schedule, you're sure to find an app on this list that can benefit your financial situation. Here are the seven best money-borrowing apps on the market today.
Earnin is one of the only money-borrowing apps that you can use entirely for "free." This paycheck advance app allows you to easily borrow against your next paycheck without needing to pay any transaction fees or interest payments.
Dave is an app designed for people worried about overdraft fees or who don't want to go into the red on their bank accounts. You can use Dave to help cover some of your short-term expenses while you wait for your next paycheck.