Homeschool Your Kids: 10 Reasons You Should

Twenty years ago, homeschooling was not nearly popular as it is now.  Most people didn't think it was a good idea and thought only weird families homeschooled their kids.

What Does Homeschooling Look Like in 2022?

In the last two years, the number of homeschoolers has tremendously increased. The main reason for this rapid growth is from the global pandemic, which saw schools shut their doors and switch to virtual learning.

1. Customized Homeschool Curriculum

Learning is easier, faster, and more permanent when customized for an individual. Homeschooling allows you to tweak and modify lessons so your kids can assimilate better. You can easily achieve this because you're not teaching a regular class filled with students with peculiar needs, learning capacities, and quirks.

2. Quality Time With Homeschooling Parents

If you want to build close family relationships at home, consider homeschooling your kids. If your child goes to a regular school, they will spend more time with strangers than with family. Even when they're back home, activities will justle for the little time.

3. Prevent Bullying

Bullying is not acceptable, but it's one of the things your kids might face in school. This study shows that about 20% of students aged 12-18 experience bullying in America. Are you ready to expose your kids to the potential effects?

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