10 Worst Red Flags You Should Watch Out for When You First Start Dating

No one is perfect; everyone is flawed. But there is a difference between flaws and flags. Granted, there are different shades of red flags, ranging from a bright vermillion to a dark wine.

But everyone has at least one story of a time when they ignored a red flag that looked vermillion when they squinted but turned to a deep red wine when their eyes were opened fully.

If They Cheated With You, They'll Cheat On You

Most people in this situation believe the fantasy that their partner cheated with them because they believed they had found their soul mate but had to work out some kinks at home before finally being united.


Everyone Is Out To Get Them, and All of Their Exes Are ‘Crazy'

Girls pass this warning on to each other all the time. “If he says all of his exes are crazy, run.” Makes sense, though. The likelihood of every single girl someone dated being legitimately crazy is low.


One Partner's Lack of Interest in the Other Partner's Life or Hobbies

When only one party is putting effort into a relationship, it can become imbalanced and skewed very quickly


‘He/She Is Just a Friend'

One guy shared, “Funny you say that. My girlfriend had a thing with one of her guy friends about 3 years ago. She had feelings for him. They made out, but never had sex (so she says).


Always One-Upping You

This is a red flag in both friendships and relationships. No one wants to be friends with someone who is always trying to one-up them and compete.